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Setting Up ESLint

Install extensions

eslint is a linter(a software that highlights errors) and a noder-module package

  1. eslint
  2. prettier

Install Eslint globally

npm i -g eslint

and run

eslint --init
  • check syntax and find problems
  • javascript
  • use a popular style guide » Airbnb
Airbnb (
  • react
  • browser
  • js

Bug Workaround:

install errors might happen run the packages individually

npm install eslint-plugin-react --legacy-peer-deps
npm install eslint-config-airbnb --legacy-peer-deps
npm install eslint --legacy-peer-deps
npm install eslint-plugin-import --legacy-peer-deps
npm install eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y --legacy-peer-deps
npm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --legacy-peer-deps

if it works

a eslintrc.json file is generated. eslint relies on a file called eslintrc to hold rules to check code for errors. run the following to see whether the file has been created

ls -a

Don’t be slow give it a go

run this to see eslint recursively linting all your files

eslint ./src --ext .js

the output is something like this

if this command works, we can add the line to “scripts” in the package.json

"scripts": {
 "start": "react-scripts start",
 "build": "react-scripts build",
 "test": "react-scripts test",
 "eject": "react-scripts eject",
 "lint": "eslint ./src --ext .js" // this line

now we can tryto auto-fix those errors:

npm run lint -- --fix

using eslint and prettier codependently

prettier unfortunately cannot implement eslint requirements into automated formatting. Prettier relies on a file prettierrc to derive its rules for automated code formatting. In the following we make eslint regard
prettiers rules as correct, so that any rule specified by prettier will not cause a flag with eslint. An example is proposed for the prettierrc.


install the plugin eslint-config-prettier

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier

run the plugin to create the pretierrc at the root directory and link it to the prettier plugin. Do this by executing the command Prettier: Create Configuration File
paste the proposed configuration for prettier:

 "trailingComma": "es5",
 "tabWidth": 2,
 "useTabs": false,
 "semi": false,
 "singleQuote": true

add this to elintrc

"extends": ["airbnb", "prettier"],
 "plugins": ["prettier"],
 "rules": {
 "prettier/prettier": ["error"]

using eslint and prettier codependently

prettier unfortunately cannot implement eslint requirements into automated formatting. Prettier relies on a file prettierrc to derive its rules for automated code formatting. In the following we make eslint regard
prettiers rules as correct, so that any rule specified by prettier will not cause a flag with eslint. An example is proposed for the prettierrc.


install the plugin eslint-config-prettier

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier

run the plugin to create the pretierrc at the root directory and link it to the prettier plugin. Do this by executing the command Prettier: Create Configuration File

paste the proposed configuration for prettier:

 "trailingComma": "es5",
 "tabWidth": 2,
 "useTabs": false,
 "semi": false,
 "singleQuote": true

add this to elintrc

"extends": ["airbnb", "prettier"],
 "plugins": ["prettier"],
 "rules": {
 "prettier/prettier": ["error"]


Setting up rules with eslint

under rules we can setup rules.

  • 0 turned off
  • 1 for warining
  • 2 for throwing error
"rules": [
"no-unused-vars" 0 //» tuned off

Hacking eslint to make a “dirty deploy”

we can disable all eslint configs, by cleaning the eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
 env: {
 browser: true,
 es2021: true,
 extends: ['plugin:react/recommended', 'airbnb'], // »» extends: [],
 overrides: [],
 parserOptions: {
 ecmaVersion: 'latest',
 sourceType: 'module',
 plugins: ['react'],
 rules: {},

this will disable all eslint regulations by circumeventing the linting

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